Featured Articles
- BBC: Artist Amy Karle is exploring a future where human bodies are enhanced by technology (audio)
- THE VERGE Clothing Laser Cut by Amy Karle (video)
- WIND INVESTITURE MAGAZINE Amy Karle: A Space In-Between Art and Science
- BBC News The Cultural Frontline | Inside and out: Digital experiences of the body (audio)
- Book | Design with Life: Biotech Architecture and Resilient Cities. includes chapter by Amy Karle
- Culture Prime | Centre Pompidou | Amy Karle (video)
- BBC 100 Women | Amy Karle Talk: “The Future Human: Who Will We Become Under the Influence of Technology?” (video)
- Profile | Amy Karle: “It’s Really Important That We Choose and Focus on the Future We Want to Achieve”
- AFI MAGAZINE Science, Art & Fashion: Meet Amy Karle
- 3D Printing Spotlight On: Amy Karle, Award Winning BioArtist
- What is Life in the Bio-Tech Era? Creating a More Resilient Future by Amy Karle
- Women in 3D Printing interviews Amy Karle (video))
- BLOOMBERG Art + Technology episode 7 “Can 3D Art Become Human?” (video)
- 3DHEALS Influencer Interview Series: Amy Karle
- FAST COMPANY This Artist is Biohacking the Body To 3D Print Fantastical Human Bones
- These artists and performers are biohacking in incredible ways
- WOMEN IN 3D PRINTING Interview Artist Amy Karle
- ARTE Connection Between Worlds (video)
- ARS TECHNICA An artist is prototyping a hand grown out of human stem cells
- Regenerative Reliquary: Fabricating a Relic of the Future 未来の聖遺物
- ARTE | TRACKS Amy Karle: Main Dans La Main
- WWD Why does bio artist Amy Karle express humanity in fashion?
- VAMP The boundary-pushing artist Amy Karle gives insights on play with science, technology and fashion
- AMY KARLE The Language That Only Art Can Speak
- Amy Karle: No Word for “Empowerment” in Polish?!
- 10 of the most inspirational women in the world
- Amy Karle: Regenerating the Human Body with Art
- Innovaspain| Amy Karle: “La tecnologíapuede ser usada para nuestrobeneficio o muerte”
- 3DHeals | Amy Karle | 3D Bioprinting: Chiasm of Art, Design, Science, Technology, and Evolution
- ALL3DP Amy Karle named one of the “Most Influential Women in 3D Printing”
- BBC 100 Women | The Woman Creating Art with Human Stem Cells
- BBC 100 Women 2019: Who’s on the List?