Salzburg Global Seminar – Creating Futures: Art and AI for Tomorrow’s Narratives
Talk and Fellowship

May 6 – May 10, 2024
(also online before and after in person sessions)

Salzburg, Austria

Program Link:

“In a world brimming with polarization, inequity and complexity, understanding and shaping our future is more crucial than ever. Artists and cultural practitioners are crucial in pushing the boundaries of how we understand ourselves and the world around us. They help us to move beyond the familiar, transcend borders between the present and the future, and encourage exploration into realms that seem improbable.

Creating Futures was a program focusing on the role of creativity, art and emerging technologies in challenging entrenched narratives and imagining more just and equitable futures.


This program explored the emergent possibilities at the intersection of creative expression, technology, and artificial intelligence. It also delved into the socio-technical terrain of our present, exploring the encoded biases of AI systems that magnify structural inequities and histories of erasure. It provided a global platform for artists who are working to intervene in these narratives, critically exploring alternative possibilities, and coding alternative futures.


This program recognized the power of art not just as a reflection of society but as an influential force capable of reshaping narratives and questioning the status quo. By embracing no singular “future” but a multitude of possibilities, this program highlighted the transformative power of art in shaping the imagination and building true, lasting social change, offering a platform for diverse voices to redefine our collective future.“ from

Amy Karle is a Salzburg Global Fellow who returned to participate in the 2024 session of Creating Futures: Art and AI for Tomorrow’s Narratives. This hybrid program, held from May 6-10, 2024, both online and at Schloss Leopoldskron in Salzburg, Austria, brought together artists, technologists, futurists, curators, and academics to explore the role of creativity, art, and emerging technologies in challenging narratives and shaping equitable futures.


As part of the event, Amy delivered the opening talk, “Human-AI Relations”, which kicked off the session by framing the discussion around how human interaction with AI is evolving. Her talk set the stage for the program’s exploration of AI ethics, creative intervention, and the cultural implications of emerging technologies.


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In addition to her talk, Amy co-authored the Charter for AI Ethics, working with international peers to develop principles that address the ethical challenges of AI. This charter builds upon key global frameworks, including UNESCO’s AI Ethics Recommendations, the EU AI Act, the United Nations’ AI Resolution, and the US AI Bill of Rights. The resulting document aims to mitigate AI-related risks, promote transparency, and ensure that AI systems evolve in alignment with societal values.

Click here to read an online report about this year’s session discussions.

The program fostered critical discussions on how AI systems reflect entrenched structural inequities, offering a platform for artists and creatives to intervene in these narratives and explore transformative possibilities through creative expression.

For more details, visit:

Creating Futures Full Session Report

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Fellows from this program formed small working groups and co-created the following documents:

Intercultural AI Creative Starter Pack

Charter for AI Ethics

AI Literacy Curriculum

Explore More at:

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“In contemplating the future, we must not only embrace technology’s potential to augment human capabilities but also rigorously safeguard the values and diversity that define our humanity and existence. The path forward should be forged with a commitment to ethical integrity, ensuring that technology enhances rather than diminishes the human experience, our world and biosphere.” – Amy Karle

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most photos: by Salzburg Global Seminar / Christian Streili