In April – May 2018, Amy Karle will be a Cultural Diplomat Exchange Artist to Warsaw, Poland through the American Arts Incubator hosted by ZERO1 and the U.S. Department of State which sends artists to foreign countries to address community issues through cross-cultural art collaborations.
Amy Karle will bring her unique blend of body-based investigation and technological experimentation to explore ways to support women in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics). She will work with the community and local partners to present workshops that build participants’ skills and connections through a group investigation of past, present, and future gender equality. Personal stories will be the basis for participants to create projects that acknowledge and/or enable them to break through barriers ingrained in cultural norms.
She will also give an artist talk and exhibit artworks created during this time as an Artist Envoy to Poland.
U.S. Embassy and Copernicus Science Center to Launch American Arts Incubator in Poland
AAI is an international cultural exchange initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of State that sends distinguished American artists abroad to address social challenges through public art and technology projects… The American artist coming to Poland to lead the inaugural AAI program is Artist Amy Karle who will teach cutting-edge digital and media art skills, facilitate art-based explorations and show how art and technology can empower women through the STEAM fields.
Ambasada i Centrum Nauki Kopernik zapraszają do udziału w programie American Arts Incubator
Amy Karle Cultural Diplomat Exchange Artist
Amy Karle Cultural Diplomat Exchange Artist U.S. Embassy and Copernicus Science Center to Launch American Arts Incubator in Poland AAI is an international cultural exchange initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of State that sends distinguished American artists abroad to address social challenges through public art and technology projects… The American artist coming to Poland to lead the inaugural AAI program is Artist Amy Karle who will teach cutting-edge digital and media art skills, facilitate art-based explorations and show how art and technology can empower women through the STEAM fields.
Layers of Life Worshop in Polish
Layers of Life / Warstwy Życia Art | Technology | Empowerment Workshop with Microgrants for STEAM Projects Apply online @
Art | Technology | Empowerment Workshop with Microgrants for STEAM Projects Apply online @
Art | Technology | Empowerment Workshop with Microgrants for STEAM Projects Apply online @
Art | Technology | Empowerment Workshop with Microgrants for STEAM Projects (April 21-May 13)
Artist Amy Karle will lead “Layers of Life”: a workshop, incubator and small grants program to empower Women in STEAM to create art and technology projects that address social issues and provoke new ideas that will shape a more resilient future. Participants’ skills and connections will be built through a group investigation of past, present, and future empowerment. Activities are based in building soft-skills, accessing the internal landscape and learning from the natural world to ideate, create and present STEAM related projects. Personal and societal stories will be the basis for participants to create projects that acknowledge and/or enable them to break through barriers ingrained in cultural norms. Participants will learn to conceive, develop, create and share their work in a captivating way including gathering and sharing documentation, collaboration, business/project planning, pitch training and presentation in the model of a Silicon Valley Incubator.
Internationally Award winning BioArtist Amy Karle explores what it means to be human in this epoch of the Anthropocene and our current age of humans and technology merging. Considering her work as artifacts of a speculative future where digital, physical and biological systems merge, she will share her research, methodology, philosophy, practice and artworks in an illuminating talk on how she taps the human condition and uses exponential technology as a mirrors to the self and mirrors to who we can become. She will discuss how she leverages body-based investigation, science and technology to create art that examines material and spiritual aspects of life; opening visions of how STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) could be utilized to support and enhance humanity while making advancements towards those goals in the process.
Panel Discussion to Follow.
Twórczość Karle zalicza się do tzw. bio-artu – jednego z nurtów współczesnej art & science. W swych poszukiwaniach artystka koncentruje się na ludzkim ciele, które jest dla niej nie tylko tematem prac, ale także oryginalnym środkiem artystycznego wyrazu.
Spotkanie poprowadzi dr Joanna Jeśman, kulturoznawczyni z Wydziału Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych Uniwersytetu SWPS w Warszawie.
Centrum Nauki Kopernik: „Laboratorium życia” LABORATORIUM ARTYSTYCZNE Ciało otwarte. Eksperyment
Centrum Nauki Kopernik: „Laboratorium życia” LABORATORIUM ARTYSTYCZNE Ciało otwarte. Eksperyment
The process of making art is like the process of exploring yourself. For me, it is one and the same. Making art is a process of exploring myself and the world around me, making sense of it in a way that is beyond the thinking mind… from a place of all of these stirred influences that made me into who I am… the stirred area of the collective unconscious too… when I’m creating my art, it’s not just for me, and it’s not just from me, it’s from a place that I can only articulate through creating art, and a way for me to share this internal experience that is indescribable in any other way than through the language of art – to share it with others. … read more

More information from ZERO1 and the US Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs:
American Arts Incubator is an international creative exchange program developed in partnership with ZERO1 and the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). The program utilizes community-driven public art projects to instigate dialogue, bolster local economies, and further social innovation.
American Arts Incubator, launched in 2014, uses new media and digital arts as a means for engaging youth, artists, and underserved community members in strategic regions around the world by addressing a local community issue, such as conflict resolution, social inclusion, the environment and women’s empowerment.
Inspired by the “business incubator” model made popular by Silicon Valley’s technology and startup companies, American Arts Incubator is a hybrid training lab, production workshop, and tool for public engagement. AAI, at its core, is a cross-cultural exchange of ideas that showcases artists as engaged and innovative partners in addressing social and environmental challenges. The selected U.S. artists team up with youth, women, and underserved populations, through country-based partnerships, to inspire community engagement through art programs.
The traveling American artists conduct workshops, in addition to talks, public events, and/or other outreach activities, while designing and executing new media art work. Small grants are also issued to program participants to implement public art concepts they develop during the workshops.
American Arts Incubator awards small grants to local participant teams to develop public projects addressing a social or environmental challenge relevant to their community. In doing so, the program seeds opportunities for ongoing, community-driven innovation by translating creative practices into projects and programming that can be sustained long after the U.S. artist leaves the overseas location.