Ars Electronica Beijing
7 November 2018 – 28 February 2019
Hyundai Motorstudio
798 Art District
Beijing, China
Amy Karle’s Artwork in group exhibition.
“Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet” focuses on the social and cultural dimension of technological progress. It deals with the future relations between humans and machines, the interactions between culture and technology as well as the tension between tradition and spirituality and the ever-increasing mechanization and rationalization of our world.
Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet is a joint exhibition project between Ars Electronica, Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) at the Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing & CAFA – Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing.
The 25 projects will be on display almost simultaneously, but divided among the Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing, Seoul and Moscow – the Beijing presentation is the most extensive with 17 projects. “Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet” opens on November 7 2018 in Beijing, November 9 in Seoul, and November 24 in Moscow.

Artist Amy Karle with REGENERATIVE RELIQUARY photo: Ars Electronica, Vanessa Graf
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
– Leonardo da Vinci
The dream of flying – until recently this was the epitome of humanity’s dream. As intriguing as unattainable. We want to make possible what seems impossible, we strive to grow beyond ourselves, to perfect and expand ourselves. Exactly in this striving of the unattainable may be the core of what makes us humans so unique – the consciousness of the subjective self, including our finitude, the death. From dream to trauma – what a dilemma. Achieving the unattainable requires a concrete need, creativity and the right tools, the right technology. Since the year one, the great achievements of mankind tell us about the ingenious instruments and technologies we have achieved. Each era and any definition of cultural identity is thus also decisively influenced by the technologies that it has created and used, and vice versa. So culture shapes technology as technology shapes culture. This ever-existing relationship between us humans and the technology around us seems to face a revolutionary paradigm shift, especially in our present day. We are moving from a time when we have operated machines and used them as tools in to a time in which we share our lives with machines and technical systems and live with them. The question arises of what this radical change in the relationship status between man and machine means for us humans and what we actually expect and want from technology. – Curator Martin Honzik, Ars Electronica
Interview with Curator Martin Honzik: