EnglishMedia Coverage

AI, Art, and Creativity: Exploring the Artist’s Perspective

Amy Karle, a leading artist at the intersection of AI and generative design, has been pioneering the use of AI in creative processes since 2015. She believes AI complements human intuition and creativity, unlocking new realms of artistic possibilities. Amy’s work demonstrates how human imagination, when combined with AI's capabilities, can redefine art and creativity in the digital age.

EnglishMedia Coverage

The Charter for AI Ethics

To support significant emerging ethical AI frameworks, including UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, the EU AI act, the United Nations resolution on the promotion of “safe, secure, and trustworthy” artificial intelligence (AI) systems, and the US Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, this carter leverages insights gained at Salzburg Global Seminar, to add to these foundational frameworks, underscoring the importance of ethical principles tailored to the current and future possible risks of AI, in relation to various intelligences, creative and cultural ecosystems and beyond, to better safeguard against potential harms, promote transparency, and ensure that AI…


DNAを月へと打ち上げる!? アートが探求する、死後に「遺すもの」の可能性


EnglishMedia Coverage

AI-Assisted Biodesign

Issues in Science and Technology (winter issue) by the National Academy of Sciences and Arizona State University features Karle’s AI-assisted biodesign work. Acutely aware of the volume of questions and concerns AI poses, Karle chooses to use AI in her research and work to illuminate that it can be used to support and co-create preferable futures. "The future with AI does not have to be something that happens to us, it is something that we can co-create." - Amy Karle

EnglishMedia Coverage

Ideal Indoor Living: Optimal Health for Humans, Buildings, and Planet

The growing focus on creating healthier, more energy-efficient buildings is reshaping how we design and inhabit spaces. By improving air quality, insulating against pollutants and pests, and optimizing energy consumption, these methods not only reduce utility costs but also enhance living conditions. Experts like Amy Karle highlight how artificial intelligence and nature’s intelligence can be integrated to design sustainable environments that promote health and well-being for both people and the planet. As cities like New York implement laws to cut emissions, Passive House Standards represent a future of smarter, healthier buildings for all.

JapaneseMedia Coverage

Exploring The Potential of Art as a “Heterotopia” with Local Communities: Sapporo International Art Festival Review

Amy Karle's interactive installation Echoes from the Valley of Existence at the Sapporo International Art Festival employs modern technology to articulate our 'bio-digital echoes,' allowing viewers to leave behind their DNA and text messages, which will be sent to the moon. This work delves into the ephemeral nature of human existence, inviting reflection on the legacy and interpretation of life in a future where the boundaries of death are extended by digital and biological technologies.


Ova futuristička umjetnica želi da pošalje vaš DNK na Mjesec

U svojoj interaktivnoj umjetničkoj instalaciji "Odjeci iz doline postojanja", Amy Karle prikuplja i šalje digitalne i DNK uzorke na mjesec. Ovaj projekt, koji spaja biotehnologiju s umjetničkim izražavanjem, poziva na razmišljanje o nasljeđu bioloških i digitalnih ostataka čovječanstva, potičući kontemplaciju o tome kako bi buduća bića mogla interpretirati odjeke naše trenutne egzistencije.

EnglishJapaneseMedia Coverage

Wired Podcast SIAF AS A TOOL #3 with Guest Amy Karle (Future Theater Participating Artist)

WIRED Japan interviews artist Amy Karle in this podcast. Their discussion focuses on the impacts of technology and biotechnology on health, humanity, society, and the future, and her installation Echoes from the Valley of Existence at the Sapporo International Art Festival (SIAF Triennial) which explores the ephemeral nature of human existence in a future where digital and biological technologies enable life beyond physical death, provoking questions about the legacy and interpretation of human existence by future generations or extraterrestrial beings. (In Japanese and English).

EnglishMedia CoveragePortuguese

This Futurist Wants To Send Your DNA To The Moon

In her interactive art installation Echoes From the Valley of Existence, Amy Karle collects and sends Digital and DNA samples to the moon. This project, merging biotechnology with artistic expression, invites reflection on the legacy of humanity's biological and digital remnants, provoking contemplation on how future beings might interpret the echoes of our current existence. "...the installation’s more about provoking questions than providing answers. Questions about how the biological and digital remnants we leave behind “echo” ahead in time, for example, and how future societies could interpret these relics."

EnglishMedia Coverage

An AI Society

This article discusses the broader implications of generative AI on society, including its potential to homogenize cultural narratives and copyright laws, alongside Amy Karle's innovative use of AI in biodesign to address environmental challenges, particularly in projects that guide the growth of mycelium-based materials and speculative biomimetic corals for environmental sustainability and carbon dioxide mitigation, reflecting a nuanced view of AI's role in shaping future societal and environmental outcomes.


Das Künstlerbuch als multimediale Enzyklopädie: Visuelle Schnittstellen in Buchprojekten aus Kunst und Wissenschaft

Marlene Barts Buch untersucht die Verbindungen zwischen Künstlerbüchern und Enzyklopädien, wobei sie die Naturgeschichte als gemeinsamen Bezugspunkt wählt. Amy Karles innovative Arbeiten werden als herausragendes Beispiel für die Verschmelzung von Technologie, Kunst und Naturgeschichte hervorgehoben. Karle integriert digitale, biologische und physische Systeme, um die Grenzen der Wissensvermittlung zu erweitern. Das Buch betont, wie ihre transdisziplinäre Herangehensweise an das Sammeln und Organisieren von Daten traditionelle Ordnungssysteme herausfordert und neue Möglichkeiten für die Entwicklung virtueller Räume und das Wissen im digitalen Zeitalter aufzeigt.

EnglishMedia Coverage

Bio Artists Face an Uncertain Future

‘American bio artist Amy Karle… primarily works in the computer technology sub-genre of bio art… and examines how technology and biotechnology impact the human body. In recent artworks from the 2010s, she made a 3D-printed heart form that pulses biomechanical, ...and a scaffold in the shape of a human hand seeded with donated human cells … At the heart of these works by Karle, Catts, Zurr, and Anker is a perceptual license to explore the philosophical and spiritual aspects of the life sciences that traditional biologists, neurosurgeons, or chemists are not typically granted.’

EnglishMedia Coverage

ArtScience is Blooming

The article discusses the burgeoning support for ArtScience collaborations, highlighting Amy Karle's innovative work at the intersection of art, science, and technology, and her significant impact on the field as a pioneering bioartist and futurist. Karle's projects, emphasizing the fusion of digital, physical, and biological systems, exemplify the transformative potential of integrating artistic and scientific methodologies to envision and shape future human advancements.

Artist Amy Karle "Heart of Evolution?" 2019 All rights reserved.
EnglishMedia CoveragePublication

Amy Karle: Where Will Biotechnology Take Us?

When she was born, Amy Karle had a rare and potentially fatal condition. This experience fueled her desire to explore biomedical technologies as an artist. Her works trigger a profound reflection on the human condition, the body and its limitations, integrating medicine, design, philosophy, art and biotechnology. This article traces the artist’s profile, describing some of her most interesting works.