台北當代藝術館《蓋婭:基因、演算、智能設計與自動機 幻我;它境》14位國內外藝術家展現藝術與科技的碰撞展演,腦洞大開新體驗 首件展覽衍生性NFT作品2月19日上線發行.
“卡爾Amy Karle的創作,融合數位、身體及生物系統,展現生命物質與精神面向的藝術作品 … 彷彿在遠古洞穴裡人類以冥想與自然相應,展開一場新的精神性儀式,將自身幻化為科技時代裡的「蓋婭」身影”
“卡爾Amy Karle的創作,融合數位、身體及生物系統,展現生命物質與精神面向的藝術作品 … 彷彿在遠古洞穴裡人類以冥想與自然相應,展開一場新的精神性儀式,將自身幻化為科技時代裡的「蓋婭」身影”
“艾米 是 一位 美国 生物 艺术家 , 他 以 人体 的 静脉 , 动脉 和 内脏 器官 的 形状 进行 设计 , 3D 雕塑 , 表演 甚至 时尚。 生物 艺术 这 是 当代 艺术 中 最 的 潮流。 它 是 结合 科学 , 艺术 和 技术 的 生活 艺术 干预。生物 艺术家 在 工作 时 会 使用 组织 培养 物 , 眼泪 , 细菌 , ДНК 以及 动物 或 他们 自己 的 血液 , 以便 反思 我们 所 知道 的 生命 及其 意义。”
Amy Karle is an internationally award-winning artist and a successful entrepreneur. In this illuminating and motivating interview, Amy Karle discusses her artwork, philosophy and approach, the source of her inspiration and drive, and her business practices surrounding facing fears and the importance of deadlines and a healthy regiment, setting smart goals, and what success means to her.
“艺术家Amy Karle——当今 3D 打印行业最具影响力的女性之一,也是BBC的100位女性之一——想向我们所有人介绍她的一位名叫“Hatcher”的老朋友,这是一具6600万年前的三角龙骨架在国家自然历史博物馆中,它作为第一只“数字恐龙”创造了历史。Karle使用来自史密森尼数字化办公室的三角龙化石骨骼的3D扫描数据作为一系列艺术作品的基础单体,每幅作品都旨在想象基于灭绝物种的新形式,以探索通过技术再生的假设进化。”
“未来脑机、人机合一技术成形后,传感器直接和神经网络连上,这就不是虚拟体验了,而是真实的感受,进入虚拟数字世界的你,是真实的你的永生。未来脑机连接技术把一个人的意识和记忆下载、上传到另一具肉体、机器、电脑上面,活在电脑上,在元宇宙中也可自由活动,放弃硅基壳,成为修道成功后的登仙,不受物理世界的束缚,可腾云驾雾,可穿墙而过,可超控现实事物,而做到万物互联。这时的我们与肉身的自然人、虚拟世界的数字人产生真假难辨的伦理关系,世界成为虚实相生的世界。2011年艾米·•卡丽(Amy Karle)创作作品《生物反馈艺术》,艾米·卡丽将她的身体及意识与技术融合地反应出来。”
Эмі Карл (нарадзілася ў 1980 г.) — амерыканская мастачка, біямастачка і футурыст, чыя праца засяроджваецца на ўзаемасувязі паміж тэхналогіямі і чалавецтвам, у прыватнасці, на тым, як тэхналогіі і біятэхналогіі ўплываюць на здароўе, чалавецтва, грамадства, эвалюцыю і будучыню. …
“作为艺术家与设计师,艾米·卡尔(Amy karle)喜欢思考这样的问题:我们会如何重塑自己的身体?我我们会把自己变成什么样子?如果我们可以用真实的细胞以及富有生命的有机组织,我们可以制造出什么?“3D艺术有很多方法可以变成人类。这是一个人和技术融合的时代,我们真的可以利用这一点来复生。我们可以成为任何我们想成为的人,这项技术使艺术家能够通过新的工具表达自己.” 技术媒介使得不可见之物隐喻式地显现为在场之物,对复制媒介的创造性运用——它在形式上是拷印原本的复现,但完全转化和生成了另一种“物”。在西方的传统艺术理论中,对自然的模仿被确证为艺术的意义。柏拉图把世界分为“可见的”和“可知的”,以为“表象的世界”是对“理念的世界”的复制,而艺术只不过模仿表象。亚里士多德认为艺术模仿对象的行为其实是在洞察对象,把握“心中之像”的过程... 也不仅在认识事物原本的意义,而是有可能发展出其自身新的逻辑与结构”。
What does it mean to be alive at this time of merging with technology? In this subnetTALK, Artist Amy Karle will lead a discussion around her work, illuminating how she leverages the body as a medium + exponential technologies (including biotech, 3D printing, AI, Neutral Networking, Blockchain, BCIs) as tools for generating possibilities; engaging in new ways of expressing and communicating; to create hybridized forms of art about the future in a post-natural world; and to reveal larger, more fundamental questions of the impacts on ourselves and our future.
Karle is dedicated to creating works that challenge the human condition and questions what exactly it means to be human in the first place... Karle creates enticing works that go beyond its futuristic appearance, they are projects that one day may be used as blueprints for possible solutions in the medical realm... She uses the combination of art and science to create a healthy relationship between humanity and technology, one that heals and restores.
Książka stanowi pierwsze w skali światowej całościowe opracowanie dotyczące sztuki biometrycznej; w niej zdefiniowana sama kategoria sztuki biometrycznej, która obejmuje projekty artystyczne z zakresu art & science oparte na danych biometrycznych oraz na strategiach bioparametryzacji ciała… Amy Karle nie określa wszystkich swoich działań jako bio-art, dzieląc realizowane projekty na bio-art, sztukę biofeed-backu, kreatywną modę, rzeźby, sztukę performance etc.
“In this episode, I had the pleasure to interview bioartist Amy Karle. We were able to have an in-depth conversation surrounding not only Amy Karle’s major artworks using 3D printing and Bioprinting, but also her personal journey as a bioartist and the meanings behind her artworks. Some of the questions we explored include: What does bioprinted organ replace imply for humanity and our identities? Who has the right to live and access technology that can prolong life? Who will have access to bioprinted or 3D printed medical devices first? What is the role of an artist in terms of aesthetics?…
This research thesis examines the use of biobased materials as a solution for reducing material waste in creative practices, with a focus on organic materials produced from living matter, such as bio leather made from bacterial cellulose grown from Kombucha. The study adopts a practice-based approach to experimentation, exploring the manipulation of the biobased material in pre- and post-growing stages to achieve various material properties, resulting in the creation of eco-friendly and sustainable art installations. It includes the work of Amy Karle, Neri Oxman, Suzanne Lee, and Dutch Design Week.
If a girl can envision it, she can be it. This book interviews and portrays the life and career of inspirational women from various fields around the world, including Artist Amy Karle, featuring interviews with activists, actresses, athletes, businesswomen, pilots, philanthropists, fashion designers, film directors, architects, lawyers, sportswomen, dancers, perfumers, etc. ISBN: 979-8747113657
In this dynamic and wide-ranging interview, Women in 3D Printing interviews Amy Karle. Topics include Karle's background and why she got into 3D printing, medical futuring / bioprinting replacement parts / bioethics, and how art and exponential technology can be used for the best and highest good of humanity, ecology, evolution and the planet.
“To mark Women’s History month this March, 3D printing company HP is highlighting an ongoing collaboration with artist Amy Karle. Karle, who is known for her future-oriented projects, has adopted 3D printing as a medium, using the technology and its design capabilities to reimagine art and create boundary-pushing pieces.”
"Amy Karle (born 1980) is an American artist, bioartist and futurist. She creates work that looks forward to a future where technology can support and enhance the human condition. She was named in BBC's 100 women, as one of the 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2019. Her work questions what it means to be human, with an emphasis on exploring the relationship between technology and humanity; particularly how technology and biotechnology impacts health, humanity, evolution and the future. She combines science and technology with art and is known for using live tissue in her works.…
This issue will explore different forms, ideas and understanding of birthing,rebirthing and new beginnings through cinema.
Amy Karle is an Ultra-Contemporary artist. Amy Karle is mostly exhibited in Japan andFrance. The most important show was The Factory of Life - La Fabrique du vivant at Centre Pompidou in Paris in 2019. Other important shows were at Mori Art Museum in Tokyo and Ars Electronica Center in Linz. Amy Karle has been exhibited with The Tissue Culture & Art Project, EcoLogic Studio, Mark Stelarc, Mehmet “Memo” Akten.
“Karle’s work has engaged in both conceptual and material bioart, including drawings, performance, sound and 3D bioprinting in her practice… The work is pioneering from both an artistic perspective as well as within biotechnological practices … demonstrating an exploratory element of bioart practices in the new uses of existing technologies, as well as innovative ideas requiring new or alternative techniques or materials to be produced… Her interest in biological materials is motivated by a wider interest in the future of technologies and their potential impacts.”
The first interview in ideaXme's exponential technology and ethics series is with Artist Amy Karle, BioArtist and Futurist. Amy shares with us her views on the interface between exponential technology and ethics… Amy is exploring the possibility of creating replacement parts for diseased organs. Amy talks of her award winning work and discusses the critical role ethics must play in the development of exponential technologies.