FILE SÃO PAULO 2017: Bubbling Universes
July 17 to September 3rd, 2017
Sesi-SP FIESP, São Paulo, Brazil
Installations: Amy Karle – Internal Collection
Switching up conventions about the body and beauty, the selections from her “Internal Collection” showing at FILE represent internal anatomy in external wearable form. Merging anatomy, fashion, and technology, each piece is created by hand and digital manufacturing technologies. By depicting designs inspired by anatomy, this work communicates that, when we share our likeness and what is going on inside of us, an opportunity is offered for finding beauty within ourselves and connection with others.
*Note: Amy Karle is also giving an Artist Talk / Lecture in conjunction with this exhibition <more information>
18 July 2017, from 7pm to 9pm, Mezzanine Space Cultural Centre of SESI in São Paulo, Brazil

FILE-Led-Show-2017-Adam-Pizurny-Faces-Project-B-1024×1422 a
FILE Electronic Language International Festival at FIESP São Paulo
Amy Karle speaking about her motivations, process and vision creating “Internal Collection” garments based on anatomy, made with and digital manufacturing technologies:
18º FILE – Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica
Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica
FILE São Paulo 2017:: O Borbulhar de Universos
Galeria De Arte Do Sesi – Centro Cultural Fiesp
Amy Karle – Internal Collection – Estados Unidos
Alternando convenções sobre o corpo e a beleza, as seleções da “Internal Collection” (Coleção Interna) mostradas no FILE representam a anatomia interna em forma vestível externa. Fundindo anatomia, moda e tecnologia, cada peça é criada à mão e com tecnologias de fabricação digital. Ao retratar designs inspirados pela anatomia, esta obra comunica que, quando compartilhamos nossa semelhança e o que está acontecendo dentro de nós, uma oportunidade é oferecida para encontrar a beleza dentro de nós mesmos e a conexão com os outros.