Future Innovators Summit 2017:
A Creative Think Tank For Big Questions About The Future
at Ars Electronica Festival
7-11 September 2017
Linz, Austria
Listen in on the “Think Tank” and join their presentations on the Future of Humanity and how we may use Artificial Intelligence, new media and exponential technology to enhance humanity.
From https://ars.electronica.art/ai/en/fis/: Future Innovators Summit (FIS) is a creative system designed to engender ideas and prototypes for the future. Experts, outstanding artists, designers, scientists and visionary thinkers from all over the world convene as a dynamic think tank to discuss ideas and formulate creative questions which will lead us to thinking of Missions for Tomorrow. During FIS 2017, Amy Karle will focus on “Future Humanity”.
Note: Amy Karle is also exhibiting her artwork at this location during the 2017 Ars Electronica Festival.
When we are facing a world where machines could evolve to be better thinkers and better doers than humans, what future awaits us? … and what will be our motivations to live?
Artist and Futurist Amy Karle shares her visions and missions in correlation with technology and humanity. She answers the following questions for the Future Innovators Summit @ Ars Electronica and discusses the future of humanity, artificial intelligence, loving robots, embodied knowledge and the importance of asking quality questions.
– How can we be more human?
– How can a machine love a human? & vice versa?
– How can we live as a multiple “I”? (I as in AI / Artificial Intelligence)

“We are at a very exciting time – the step we’re at on our evolutionary journey is humans and technology merging. When we look at all of the technological advancements that we’ve made: the internet, machine learning, artificial intelligence, autonomous robots, 3D printing and bioprinting, wearable technology, implants, bionics, bioengineering and regenerative medicine, we can see the potential for a new renaissance – a time where we the ability to realize an identity that is aspirational. The quality of the questions we ask ourselves about who we want to become will dictate the outcomes of how we use our technology to get there.
The question of how we may live as multiple “I”s are biological and genetic in nature. Humans have historically made multiples of themselves through having kids. Artificial Intelligence – AI – offers the opportunity to create new forms of multiples and other intelligences, both through infotech and biotech. These become mirrors to ourselves, and at some point, the intelligence we create will reflect back and pose these questions back to us.
Many people envision Artificial Intelligence – AI – as something outside of ourselves – as a machine or a robot. I’m concerned with how to use these technologies to empower us to be more human, so that the same technology that we would embody in a robot we could also embody in a human being – to become a smarter, healthier, more emotionally intelligent person. When we use our technology in this way and actually integrate it into our bodies to become better lovers, better parents, better friends and better people – the boundaries of what is “artificial” start to disappear. “
-Amy Karle
Future Innovators Summit (FIS) is a creative system designed to engender ideas and prototypes for the future. Experts, outstanding artists, designers, scientists and visionary thinkers from all over the world convene as a dynamic think tank to discuss ideas and formulate creative questions which will lead us to thinking of Missions for Tomorrow. During FIS 2017, Amy Karle will focus on “Future Humanity”.