YouFab Selected Works Exhibition:
April 4-12, 2018
Hours: April 4-11, 10:00 – 22:00; April 12, 10:00 – 15:00
Y Studio, 2/F
Youth Square 青年廣場
238 Chai Wan Road, 000 Chai Wan
Hong Kong, China

Youth Square 青年廣場 HK

「YouFab Exhibition – Imagination Manifests」首度將十八件來自歷屆YouFab Global Creative Awards的優異作品引進香港,展示來自英國、美國、日本、以色列、台灣等地的創新設計意念。大家於4月4至12日期間即可免費入場參觀,更可參加「VR超‧體驗」創意工作坊,學習製作虛擬實境短片,費用全免!
2018年4月4 – 11日 10:00 – 22:00
2018年4月12日 10:00 – 15:00
主辦機構| Youth Square 青年廣場
合辦機構| Loftwork Asia
Youth Square in collaboration with Loftwork presents “Imagination Manifests”: the YouFab selected works exhibition, debuting in Hong Kong for the first time.
The exhibition is comprised of a special collection of 18 works from winners and finalists of the internationally acclaimed YouFab Global Creative Awards. The exhibited works exemplify that our ability to empower our own future is limited not by access to knowledge or technology, but only by our imagination.
YouFab celebrates excellence in innovation, recognizing exceptional international artists, designers and fabricators who create innovative works which challenge norms and have the potential to shape our future for the better. Through its award framework, YouFab serves as a platform to unearth and promote new ideas and works that can shape our future. Amy Karle’s work “Regenerative Reliquary” is 2017-18 YouFab Global Creative Award Grand Prize Winner.