Layers of Life: What is Life in the Biotech Era?
May 11-27, 2018
Copernicus Science Centre
ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20
Pavilion 512
00-390 Warsaw, Poland
Opening Reception
11 May 2018
18:30 Presentations
20:00 Show Opening and Reception
21:30 Planetarium Show by Amy Karle
Wystawa Warstwy życia:
Czym jest życie w erze biotechnologii?
11-27 maja 2018
Centrum Nauki Kopernik
ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20
Pawilonie 512
00-390 Warsaw, Poland
Wernisaż: 11 maja 2018 r.
18.30 prezentacja prac – sala audytoryjna Centrum Nauki Kopernik
20.00 wernisaż wystawy – Pawilon 512 Centrum Nauki Kopernik (przy bulwarach wiślanych)
21.30 pokaz specjalny Amy Karle oraz uczestników projektu
Links to US Embassy Announcements:
Experience artworks created through collaborations between artists, scientists and sociologists using new media technologies to reveal social and environmental dynamics; within the framework of American Arts Incubator led by Amy Karle. Along with the participants of the Layers of Life project, Artist Diplomat and mentor / facilitator Amy Karle searched for answers to questions about our humanity, limits and potential in the contemporary world. The exhibition is the final outcome of this journey. Alongside the collaborative group works, Amy Karle will also be presenting her own artworks in this exhibition including bioart sculptures, prints, performance art and an exhibition in the planetarium all made in Poland.
The opening evening includes presentations by participants about their work, an opening reception with refreshments, and a planetarium show by Amy Karle. The show is open until May 27, 2018.
Learn more about the projects, exhibition and American Arts Incubator – Poland at:

PRINTS Crystallization under various conditions under the microscope. Created in the Biolab at Copernicus Science Center with support from Stanisław Łoboziak.

PERFORMANCE ART in Wieliczka salt mine. Film by Grain Films, software by Aaron Thomen and with support and sponsorship by Wieliczka Salt Mine.

SCULPTURE on the origins of life in salt and water. Considering the role of salts in our bodies, earth and universe; how nature forms and grows; and women’s empowerment, these works are 3D printed sculptures with natural additive manufacturing crystal growth. “Crystal Copernicus” large scale sculpture made with generous sponsorship by Titanic Design and support from Benjamin Julian.

PLANETARIUM SHOW artistic video and sound art in Planetarium exhibition created in collaboration with Grain Films (Maciej Przemysław Wróbel, Kacper Bartczak, Adam Woropiński, Piotr Wilhelmi), Copernicus Planetarium Team (Weronika Śliwa, Mateusz Borkowicz, Paulina Majda) and Copernicus Bio Lab / Stanisław Loboziak.

Manipulating human biodata. The project explores ways to capture biological data and process it into other types of data. The installation is used…

Plant-powered rejuvenation. The Breath of Life is a prototype of a chamber with an oxygen reactor that intensively produces oxygen by water…

Imagining the possibilities of chloroplast wearables. Recent scientific discoveries show that animals are able to perform photosynthesis, a…

Exploring human emotions through art and science. This project explores artistic and scientific representations of human emotions…
Wernisaż wystawy 11 maja. W programie wieczoru:
godz. 18.30 – prezentacja prac – sala audytoryjna Centrum Nauki Kopernik
godz. 20.30 – wernisaż wystawy – Pawilon 512
godz. 21.30 – pokaz specjalny przygotowany przez Amy Karle wraz z uczestnikami – planetarium Niebo Kopernika
Warstwy życia
Czym jest życie w erze biotechnologii?
Zaproszenie na wernisaż
Pawilon 512 Centrum Nauki Kopernik (przy bulwarach wiślanych)
Wystawa będzie otwarta do 27 maja.
Więcej info:
Sztuka inspirowana życiem. Nowe technologie. Projekty z nurtu bioart i STEAM / STEM jako refleksja o nas i o tym, co nas otacza. Zobacz projekty artystów i naukowców stworzone w ramach American Arts Incubator z Amy Karle. Amy Karle w swojej twórczości wykorzystuje umysł, ciało, naukę i technologię. Wraz z uczestnikami projektu Warstwy życia poszukiwała odpowiedzi na pytania o nasze człowieczeństwo oraz ograniczenia i możliwości tworzenia we współczesnej rzeczywistości. W efekcie tych działań powstała wystawa.
As an Artist Diplomat, Amy Karle’s task is to facilitate creative expression and social innovation to empower women in STEAM. While Amy Karle was the American Arts Incubator (AAI) Artist Diplomat to Poland and Artist in Residence at Centrum Nauki Kopernik (Copernicus Science Center), she conducted research, led workshops, distributed grant funding, supported teams to create community projects using art and technology to address social issues in the model of a silicon valley type incubator – and also created artwork and an exhibition herself. The exchange concluded with a panel review, public exhibition and small grants program for participants to continue their work.
American Arts Incubator (AAI) is a cultural exchange initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs that is administered by ZERO1. AAI addresses community challenges through cross-cultural art, science, and technology collaborations. American Arts Incubator – Poland was implemented in collaboration with U.S. Embassy Warsaw and the Copernicus Science Centre.
American Arts Incubator
What is Life in the Bio-Tech Era? Creating a More Resilient Future
by Amy Karle | Jun 20, 2018 | Amy Karle, Blog Poland, Poland
Artist Diplomat
US Department of State | American Arts Incubator
American Arts Incubator
Exchange: Poland
Spotlight on women in STEAM in Warsaw