Wikipedia | BioArt
“BioArt is an art practice where artists work with biology, live tissues, bacteria, living organisms, and life processes. Using scientific processes and practices such as biology and life science practices, microscopy, and biotechnology (including technologies such as genetic engineering, tissue culture, and cloning) the artworks are produced in laboratories, galleries, or artists’ studios. The scope of BioArt is a range considered by some artists to be strictly limited to “living forms”, while other artists include art that uses the imagery of contemporary medicine and biological research, or require that it address a controversy or blind spot posed by the very…
Sztuka biometryczna w perspektywie filozofii post- i transhumanizmu. W stronę estetyki postafektywnej (book)
Książka stanowi pierwsze w skali światowej całościowe opracowanie dotyczące sztuki biometrycznej; w niej zdefiniowana sama kategoria sztuki biometrycznej, która obejmuje projekty artystyczne z zakresu art & science oparte na danych biometrycznych oraz na strategiach bioparametryzacji ciała… Amy Karle nie określa wszystkich swoich działań jako bio-art, dzieląc realizowane projekty na bio-art, sztukę biofeed-backu, kreatywną modę, rzeźby, sztukę performance etc.
Wikipedia | Amy Karle
“Amy Karle (born 1980) is an American artist, bioartist and futurist. She creates work that looks forward to a future where technology can support and enhance the human condition. She was named in BBC’s 100 women, as one of the 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2019. Her work questions what it means to be human, with an emphasis on exploring the relationship between technology and humanity; particularly how technology and biotechnology impacts health, humanity, evolution and the future. She combines science and technology with art and is known for using live tissue in her works.…
Regenerating the human body with art: Amy Karle’s bio-artistic proposal
“Amy Karle is an American bioartist who has ventured into 3D sculpture, performance and even fashion with designs made in the likeness of veins, arteries and internal organs of the human being.”
Neurofeedback loops : electroencephalography as an artistic strategy in selected art & science projects
The aim of this article is to present art & science projects involving electroencephalography (EEG), and study them in terms of relationships between artistic narratives and medical procedures. Discussed are the works by pioneers of EEG applications in art (David Rosenboom, Alvin Lucier) and by contemporary artists (Lisa Park, Amy Karle), who are mainly interested in performances and relational installations. The author of the text analyses the projects with reference to the concept she introduces – biomediation (derived from Eugene Thacker’s theory of biomedia and a concept of mediation developed by Joanna Zylinska and Sarah Kember), pointing to the post-…
Kultura Współczesna Homo medicus vol. 107 | Pętle neurofeedbacku. Elektroencefalografia jako strategia artystyczna w wybranych projektach z zakresu art & science
“Amerykańska artystka Amy Karle wykorzystuje proces neurofeedbacku do eksploracji własnej przestrzeni mentalnej, czyniąc ze swoich projektów rodzaj somatycznej, afektywnej autoetnografii. … W kolejnych projektach Karle skupiła się przede wszystkim na parametryzacji elektroencefalograficznej, próbując nadać wizualną, materialną formę swoim przeżyciom, kreując rodzaj artystycznej eksploracji świadomości… Projekt Karle wyraźnie wpisany jest w perspektywę dążeń transhumanistycznych nie tylko w przywołanym kontekście…. a ideą pracy jest próba stworzenia hybrydycznej przestrzeni, kreowanej w czasie rzeczywistym, w której dochodzi do monitorowania, ale i transcendowania świadomości poprzez połączenie jej za sprawą cyrkulacji impulsów z systemem informatycznym. Nie tyle chodzi więc o klasyczne, protetyczne, z ducha cybernetyczne poszerzenie…
Polityka | Fascinating bioart, a fusion of art and science The art of life
Bioart therefore gives artists completely new opportunities to act at the interface with science, but at the same time it is not an easy field of art. Sometimes it is very difficult for them to present at exhibitions, for example, live bacteria cultures that need special conditions. In addition, there are restrictions related to the regulations governing the genetic modification of organisms.
American Arts Incubator – Poland workshop and exhibition with Artist Amy Karle(video)
As an American Arts Incubator Exchange Artist Diplomat, Amy Karle’s task is to facilitate creative expression and social innovation to empower women in STEAM. While Amy Karle was the American Arts Incubator (AAI) Artist Diplomat to Poland and Artist in Residence at Centrum Nauki Kopernik (Copernicus Science Center), she conducted research, led workshops, distributed grant funding, supported teams to create community projects using art and technology to address social issues in the model of a silicon valley type incubator – and also created artwork and an exhibition herself. The exchange concluded with a panel review, public exhibition and small grants…
Arts Incubator Program Successfully Concludes with Exhibition at Copernicus Science Center
On May 11, the award-winning American artist Amy Karle and participants of the first ever Arts Incubator program in Poland presented their final exhibition – Layers of Life – at the internationally acclaimed Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. The exhibition, which runs through May 27 in the Copernicus Center Pavilion located on the banks of the Vistula River – represented the successful culmination of a month-long workshop led by Amy Karle where prominent Polish artists collaborated on a varied collection of bio-art projects and art installations in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM).
Award-Winning American Artist and Polish Colleagues to Present Arts Incubator Exhibition at Copernicus Science Center
On May 11 at 8:30 pm at the internationally-acclaimed Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw, award-winning American artist Amy Karle and 20 prominent Polish artists will open their long-awaited exhibit Layers of Life. The project hosted by the Copernicus Science Center and directed by Karle, will present a collection of Bioart and STEM projects created with new technologies to reveal social and environmental dynamics.
Culture: chlorophyll tattoos and algae dress
Amy Karle uses her mind, body, science and technology in her work. Together with the participants of the “Layers of Life” project, he is looking for answers to questions about our humanity and limitations and possibilities of creating in contemporary reality.
American Artist and Copernicus Science Center Launch First Arts Incubator Program in Poland
On April 26, the award-winning American artist Amy Karle officially launched the first ever Arts Incubator program in Poland. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and hosted by the internationally acclaimed Copernicus Science Center, the Arts Incubator program is an international cultural exchange initiative that sends distinguished American artists abroad to partner with local community members and organizations to address social challenges – such as economic equity or environmental sustainability – through public art and technology projects.
Layers of Life-American Arts Incubator z Artist Amy Karle
Amy Karle – American artist representing bio-art. A group of 21 artists and scientists. Questions about the essence of humanity and the possibility of finding freedom within limits. Technology as a means of artistic expression. This is the “Layers of Life” project.
The Future That’s Already Here
Amy Karle is an American artist who uses her mind, body, science and technology in her work. Together with the participants of the Layers of Life project, he is looking for answers to questions about our humanity and limitations and possibilities of creating in contemporary reality.
U.S. Embassy and Copernicus Science Center to Launch American Arts Incubator in Poland
AAI is an international cultural exchange initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of State that sends distinguished American artists abroad to address social challenges through public art and technology projects… The American artist coming to Poland to lead the inaugural AAI program is Artist Amy Karle who will teach cutting-edge digital and media art skills, facilitate art-based explorations and show how art and technology can empower women through the STEAM fields.