Introspection 2001 3 INTROSPECTION 2001 Performance, Video Three videos of Amy Karle veiling and unveiling her face, ice melting, and struggling to swim out of entangled cloths that are wrapped around her body becoming more entangled the more she struggles were...
Valentine Video 2001 3 VALENTINE VIDEO 2001 Performance, Video Video documentation of Amy Karle cutting off portions of her hair on St. Valentine’s Day for every person whom had given themselves to her. Without prior knowledge of this act, the Artist left this...
Inscription 2001 3 INSCRIPTION 2001 Performance, Video, Video Installation Considering theories of punishment that shape the self and the ways in which one carries those impressions that have been made upon them, this work is in constant flux between inside to...
Double Talk 2001 3 DOUBLE TALK 2001 Video Created at the Institute for Electronic Arts (IEA) Expanded Media at Alfred University with analog and digital video...
Melting Away 2000 3 MELTING AWAY 2000 Three frozen hearts of meat and wine atop satin and cotton pillows melted over time, leaving only a stain. The hearts were formed from meat and wine frozen into a mold of a sheep heart of similar mass and size as the Artist...