CYBORG FASHION 2022-2023 3 CYBORG FASHION2022-present (work in progress) Envisioning biofashion in a post-natural world when our bodies and beings are altered by biotechnology, Artist Amy Karle created this unique collection of artworks made with AI tools,...
Internal Collection 2016- 2017 3 INTERNAL COLLECTION 2016-2017 Silk, polyester, cotton, natural and synthetic fibers. Switching up conventions about the body and beauty, this series of garments based on anatomy shows representations of internal systems in...
Melting Away 2000 3 MELTING AWAY 2000 Three frozen hearts of meat and wine atop satin and cotton pillows melted over time, leaving only a stain. The hearts were formed from meat and wine frozen into a mold of a sheep heart of similar mass and size as the Artist...