
Explore a world of death and art with The Skull Collection by Artist Amy Karle.
Skull Collection

We are now faced with a new concept of life after death: the digital imprint of us that lives on after we die. Amy Karle’s first drop, The Skull Collection, is a series of artworks created from 3D scans of human skulls examining the meaning of mortality, legacy, and ways of living on in the digital realm after physical death.
The Skull Collection represents Karle’s explorations into what happens to our digital imprints when we stop existing in the physical world. Karle takes the ephemeral concept of life after death and puts it in the context of blockchain technology, asking us to consider the digital remains that we leave behind and what that means for our legacy.
These digital images and videos explore the meaning of mortality and question the implications of technology on humanity and remains in the digital domain. The artworks are contemplations of how we can transcend the physical into the digital after we die.
*This is a rare opportunity for serious collectors to purchase Karle’s early NFT works.
Available on artist’s own smart contract at

*1 Collector’s Edition Artwork, 1 slightly different piece held artwork in Artist Reserve / for exhibition
Available on artist’s smart contract via OpenSea API

UPCOMING DROP: Cocaine Skull
The Cocaine Skull illuminates how the digital environment can be a facilitator to transcend the limitations of what can be achieved in real life. Karle initially embarked on the idea of 3D powder printing a skull in pure cocaine. Due to the legal limitations of the substances involved, Karle reformed her vision into a digital artwork for the decentralized world. The Skull escapes the limitations of physicality through its transcendence into the digital form. In Karle’s own words, the work “questions life, death, technology and ephemerality”. The Cocaine Skull NFT is a package of a sculpture, images, 3D model with 3D powder printing instructions, physical sculpture, digital artwork, and a hardware wallet to store the NFT. The 3D model and unlockable instructions are revealed exclusively to the buyer. This is a rare opportunity for a serious collector to purchase a unique 1 of 1 masterwork that will drive intense discussion about the topic of transcending the physical into the decentralized digital world.